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Storm Damage Restoration & Hurricane Season - An ASDT Guide Preparing for the 2023 Hurricane Season

For most of America’s 50 states, June 1st marks the last gasp of spring and the approach of the summer season. But for those of us near the Gulf Coast or along the East Coast, June 1st has a second meaning: hurricanes.

As warm, wet air rises over ocean currents, powerful storm fronts surge into formation and start spinning. Some will lose momentum and fizzle out over open water, but a fateful few will maintain enough speed and strength to contact land.

Hurricanes & Tennessee - Devastation by the Numbers

From 2019 to 2021, the US experienced 56 extreme weather events that cost $1 billion or more each. But that’s just a drop compared to the 5-year period spanning 2017 to 2021, during which an astounding $742 billion was spent on natural disaster losses and recovery. 

For US taxpayers, homeowners, and business owners, hurricanes are a natural and economic calamity. But with the right Emergency Response Preparedness Plan (ERPP), your Tennessee home or business may avoid the worst.

To prepare homeowners and business owners for the 2023 hurricane season, Advanced Structural Drying Technologies reminds us of the most common forms of storm damage.

Most Commonly Damaged Structural Components During Hurricane Season

If you’re ready to put an emergency plan in place or have been impacted by storm or water damage, call ASDT at 615-339-7931 or contact us online.


At their weakest, category 1 hurricanes may have sustained winds of 74 mph. A category 5 hurricane, by contrast, comes with winds at 157 mph at least. Few roofs can survive a category 1 hurricane. None at all can survive a Category 5.  

As the most predominant barrier of your home or business, your roof is at extreme risk until November—the end of hurricane season. Losing even a small chunk can necessitate extensive water damage restoration services and mold remediation. 

At ASDT, we repair roofing with post-storm temporary repairs before employing the latest structural drying and dehumidification technology. But our tech is only as good as your preparedness. The more acquainted we are with you and your structure, the quicker we can save your structure. We recommend putting an ERPP in place ASAP to get ready ahead of time.

Equipment & Furnishings

Winds traveling at race car speeds and fast-moving flood water quickly work doors and windows. Regardless of where you live in Tennessee (from Henderson to Franklin, Springfield, Brentwood, and beyond), tornadoes and heavy rains resulting from Gulf hurricanes can turn a business or family home into a sopping ruin.

Naturally, this destruction includes everything inside your home or business, including heirloom furniture and vital equipment. Depending on the level of water intrusion, some items can be saved through a dedicated contents-cleaning process. But cleaning the affected items may only be half the battle. 

Additional sewage cleanup and disinfection services may become necessary to make your structure safe and clean enough to continue life or business as you know it.

Utilities (Plumbing, Wiring, HVAC)

After a natural disaster, the air quality inside a structure is of least concern. But in the months and days that follow, the cleanliness of your building is what stands between you and total recovery. After hurricane, tornado, or flood damage, your building’s most sensitive systems need to be reviewed for functionality and safety.

ASDT uses thermal imaging infrared technology to look above ceilings, behind walls, and under floors for every last speck of moisture. This helps us clean out your HVAC system, review your plumbing for additional leaks, and remove wet, damaged, or ruined materials (like timber and sheetrock). 

We can follow up with mold inspections and testing for your ultimate safety. When you flip your AC back on for the first time after the storm, you shouldn’t worry about spores circulating, or sewage smells blowing through your building.

Prepare for The 2023 Hurricane Season with ASDT Today!

No matter who you are in Brentwood, TN—a homeowner, a hotel owner, a manufacturer, or a landlord—having an emergency plan in place is always a good idea. At ASDT, we’ve spent four decades (and counting) helping people rebuild. From our experience, we’ve determined what’s required in the immediate aftermath and weeks following a natural disaster.

Using iGUIDE 3D imaging technology, we can map your property long before the storm strikes, combining a 360-degree panorama of your building with a highly accurate blueprint and floor plan. This allows us to respond with the equipment and personnel we need to restore your property and your life as you knew and loved it. Better still, our ERPP records can be used as proof of your building’s pre-loss condition, giving you one more layer of protection against whatever nature throws at you.

To get started with an ERPP, call us today at 615-339-7931 or contact us online. In the meantime, put our number in your phone for 24/7 damage restoration services throughout Tennessee and beyond!